Talking Together Speech Group
Talking Together is a group program designed for preschool aged children who have expressive, receptive, and social language delays. The goal of the program is to improve your child’s communication skills through a language rich environment that encourages the development of preschool class readiness skills. Ongoing consult with a licensed occupational therapist will be provided to individualize sensory, gross, and fine motor needs. Children will be participating in early preschool activities including circle time, art, snack, gross/fine motor activities, and music time.
The following early communication skills will be targeted throughout our play-based class: Imitation of sounds, gestures, words, and phrases – Attending to communication partners – Social communication and turn-taking skills – Functional vocabulary development – Understanding/using single words and short phrases.
Talking Together is offered three times a year in the Fall, Spring and Summer. The group is led by a licensed speech-language pathologist with the support of graduate student clinicians.
Dates: June 4th – August 1st (Out the week of July 4th)
Time: Tues & Thurs, 9AM – 11AM
2 days/week (16 sessions), Monday/Wednesday or Tuesday/Thursday: $1,450
Please call (214) 646-1449 if you need additional information or are interested in enrolling your child.