Physical Therapy
Pediatric Physical Therapy helps children overcome gross motor deficits in order to achieve functional independence.
Pediatric Physical Therapy helps children to overcome gross motor deficits in order to achieve functional independence. We do this through examination, evaluation and implementation of a wide variety of interventions and supports. At D. O. T. S. for Kids our Pediatric Physical Therapists support children from infancy through adolescence and collaborate with their families and other medical, educational, developmental, and rehabilitation specialists to develop an individualized treatment plan.
Our therapist goal is to promote independence, increase participation in daily activities, facilitate motor development, improve strength and range of motion, enhance learning opportunities, and get kids back to being kids.
Pediatric Physical Therapists provide evaluation and intervention for:
Torticollis (also called congenital muscular torticollis [CMT]) is a condition that causes a baby’s head and neck to tilt to one side and affects about 2% of newborns. The telltale symptom is that the baby holds his/her head to one side and has limited neck movement. Sometimes the baby may have a small bump on the side of the neck. Torticollis is usually diagnosed within the first two months of a baby’s life, by a pediatrician during a well-visit or in response to parent’s concerns. Pediatricians commonly refer to a physical therapist for treatment to lengthen and stretch the tight neck muscles.
At D. O. T. S. for Kids, our physical therapists have extensive experience in the evaluation and treatment of congenital torticollis. Their training includes the use of bracing and cranial orthosis as well as strategies for the development of organized and symmetrical postural responses, strength and flexibility during play.